Lamb Chop

Ingredients 2 large garlic cloves, crushed 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves Pinch cayenne pepper Coarse sea salt 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 6 lamb chops, about 3/4-inch thick Direction; In a food processor fitted with a metal blade add the garlic, rosemary, thyme, cayenne, and salt. Pulse until combined. Pour…

Pisang Goreng Cheese

“Pisang goreng cheese, or banana fritters with cheese, are ALL the rage right now in the Klang Valley. This sinfully sticky and delicious snack is simple deep fried battered bananas like we’ve always known and loved. But on top, the hot bananas get a generous shaving of creamy cheese, drizzles of honey and grated chocolate…

Ais Batu Campur

Ice Kacang Recipe or Ais Kacang recipe is the most famous Malaysian dessert recipe. Ice kacang is locally known as air batu campur or ABC in Malaysia. Air batu means ‘ice’ while campur means ‘mix’. This mix ice dessert is one of the more popular Malaysian desserts which is actually made with a mound of…